Who spends way too much time making beautiful slides? 🙋🏼‍♀️

When I give a talk, I like to share my slides with others. Typically, I upload them to my website and add them to the “Talk” section, embedding a link that takes interested people to the deck. But what if you want to highlight your slides in a blog post?

For this, I added a slideshow.html file to layouts/shortcodes/slideshow.html.

To do this, first create the file:

touch slideshow.html

Then add the following content to the newly created file:

<iframe src="{{.Get 0}}" width=100% height="400" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>

For example, calling {{< slideshow "LINK_TO_SLIDE" >}} (and replacing LINK_TO_SLIDE with the location of your slides) will allow your slides to be displayed within your blog. The reader can then browse through the slide deck by clicking on the deck and using the arrow keys to navigate.

This works for many different formats - here are a few examples and how to embed them:


{{< slideshow "https://cosimameyer.com/slides/pyladiescon-2023/#/title-slide.html#1" >}}

These slides are Quarto-based and the link has more explanation if you want to play around with them yourself.

R-Markdown based

But it also works with other slides such as RMarkdown-based versions.

{{< slideshow "https://cosimameyer.com/slides/correlcon2021/talk.html#1" >}}

Google Slides

Other HTML-based slides, such as Google Slides, can also be embedded:

{{< slideshow "https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1jGU_I6YTkVtlyFvyac83UmjkontzzvaqPcveEVA35dw/embed?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000" >}}

A quick tip if you want to embed your Google Slides:

  1. Publish them to the web (File > Share > Publish to web)
  2. Copy the link; replace pub with embed (see example) and use the link


We can also use the same shortcode to embed PDFs. Be sure to place your slides in your static/ folder as well. With PDF, your reader will scroll through the slides:

{{< slideshow "/slides/Career_Talk_2024.pdf" >}}

And that’s all you need! ✨